Solutions for All-Ceramic Restorations

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Free Guide:

Solutions for All-Ceramic Restorations

This guide offers dental technicians a comprehensive range of reliable, high-end diamond instruments to suit any material and indication.

The extreme hardness of high-end ceramics, in particular zirconium oxide, pose a challenge to dental technicians. By pairing experience and expertise with proper instrumentation, dental technicians can produce ceramic restorations that mimic the natural look of a tooth. 

This guide offers dental technicians a comprehensive range of reliable, high-end diamond instruments to suit any material and indication:  

  • DCB Abrasives
  • ZR Abrasives
  • Diamond Discs

With these instruments, you can be prepared and face any ceramic restoration challenges in your practice or dental laboratory. 

Download the ceramics brochure to learn about the best solutions for ceramic restorations.

Solutions for All-Ceramic Restorations

Get the brochure now.

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