Komet has announced that Eric Hymes has been appointed as Komet USA's new Chief Executive Officer.
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Learn from Dr. Kuhn Nuth about critically analyzing and strategizing for optimal root canal instrumentation.
Dr. Sameer Jain’s case study details how to retreat an extensive periapical lesion by locating a missing MB2 canal to resolve a chronic infection and alleviate patient symptoms.
Learn about modern procedural endodontic techniques and earn CE during Introduction to Procedural Endodontic Techniques, a free, on-demand webinar with Dr. Chris Cook.
Learn how Komet’s range of IPR and debonding solutions help Dr. Lisa Davison achieve high-quality results more safely, quickly and efficiently.
Rely on Komet’s Smoozies Kit to make your debonding procedures run smoothly.
Discover solutions for safe, effective IPR ranging from kits, burs, strips, or discs.
Lauren Kuhn Nuth, board-certified endodontist, shares case studies where she used Komet products to achieve optimal results.
Learn how Q-Finishers® can save you time and money while producing fantastic results.
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