Comparison of Dentin Debris Extrusion After the Use of WaveOne Gold and Procodile Q NiTi File

Comparison of Dentin Debris Extrusion After the Use of WaveOne Gold and Procodile Q NiTi File

Study completed by Ana Stephanie Mayoral Beltran, Fauzia Dadarkar and David E. Jaramillo at the Department of Endodontics, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.

Case Study Overview: 

Dentin debris, pulp tissue (vital or necrotic) and bacteria are likely to get extruded through the apical foramen during the root canal instrumentation. This extrusion might be responsible for the presence of severe post-operative pain and/or swelling.

This study measures the amount of dentinal debris extruded through the apical foramen by Komet USA's Procodile Q and the WaveOne Gold.

Case Study Results: 

  • There is statistical difference in between step back technique compared to Procodile Q (Crown Down) and WaveOne Gold systems (p<0.05)

  • The highest mean extrusion value was produced by the Step Back technique


Observational Findings of Reciprocating Systems:

  • Procodile Q system was faster in reaching working length on both modalities when compared to WaveOne Gold

  • More debris coronally extruded during instrumentation and a good amount of debris attached to the file when using Procodile Q

  • Flexibility of the Procodile Q file is by far, higher than the one observed in WaveOne Gold files

Tables and figures on flexibility shown in full study. 

Beltran, Dadarkar, Jaramillo, & Department of Endodontics, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. (2022). Comparison of dentin debris extrusion after the use of WaveOne Gold and Procodile Q NiTi file. Online Journal of Dentistry & Oral Health.

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