Additional Policies Human Trafficking, Anti-Slavery & Recruitment Komet USA is committed to operating in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including those related to modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labor. Komet USA will not tolerate or condone human trafficking or slavery in any part of our organization. Company employees, contractors, subcontractors, vendors, suppliers, partners, and others through whom Komet USA conducts business must avoid complicity in any practice that constitutes trafficking in persons or slavery. Komet USA also prohibits employees, contractors, contractor employees and agents from engaging in practices relating to trafficking in persons, including: Destroying or otherwise denying access to an employee’s identity or immigration documents; Using misleading or fraudulent practices to recruit employees, such as failing to disclose key terms and conditions of employment; Using recruiters who fail to comply with federal, state, and local employment laws; and Charging employees recruitment fees.